- Location: 1509 6th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35233
- Phone: (205) 930-3266
- Fax: (205) 930-3226
- Medical Records Fax Number: (205) 930-3342
- Employee Questions: CooperGreenHR@uabmc.edu
- Recruitment/ Job Openings: cgrecruitment@uabmc.edu
- Benefits Questions: CGMBenefitsOffice@uabmc.edu
- Payroll: cgmhspayrollservices@uabmc.edu
- Verifications of employment: CooperGreenHR@uabmc.edu
- Internships, Preceptorships, and Volunteering: CooperGreenHR@uabmc.edu
- Connect with us on Facebook
- Follow us on Instagram
Cooper Green Mercy Health Services Authority is an equal opportunity employer who does not discriminate against applicants based on sex, gender, ethnicity, etc.